Prevent damage of recent overeating with activity

Did you eat too much on Thanksgiving?

Me too.

What sent you over the edge? Was it the amazing stuffing that was just too good and you needed to have seconds? Thirds even??? Did you eat the last helping of pie, which you swore you wouldn’t even taste? And if your anything like me, you brought home leftovers and had “Second Thanksgiving” the next day too. We have a tradition of bringing the leftovers to my friends house and watching holiday movies in our comfy pj’s on the couch.

With the line up of Christmas, Hanukkah and New Years Eve right ahead of us, its hard to ever imagine eating healthy again! I am mentally preparing for the onslaught of the dreaded holiday office party, happy hour gathering with friends, and baking cookies with kiddos. I have some good news that will ease your holiday scale anxiety.

One day, or even a few of overeating will not send you down in to weight loss purgatory. In fact, The damages caused by a week of overeating can be overcome, and realatively easily.  But, You have to work for it!

In this study, participants over indulged for a week by eating 30% more calories then their typical diet. Those that remained sedentary afterwards faced increased inflammation markers. The group that excercised an average of 2 1/2 hours, spanning 6 days the week after the increased caloric load showed better response. They had decreased inflammatory markers, with no change in glucose tolerance.

What does that mean for you? Get out there and move your body!!! The researchers expressed “Our preliminary findings expand on existing work to support a protective role of exercise in the metabolic response of adipose tissue to brief periods of overeating.” This is showing that aerobic activity may not just offset the potential weight gain, but help to prevent the damage caused by this binge fest we lovingly call Thanksgiving.

So if you put in the work, you can continue the momentum and progress you’ve been making. That’s something to be thankful for! Now, your not gonna wake up tomorrow back in your skinny jeans, but some simple steps and commitments can get you seeing holiday cheer again. You can relax as you put on the ugly christmas sweater for that bar party your friends convinced you to go to, knowing you can indulge.


So get out there and work for it!

Wait for my next post on some other easy ways to fight the holiday weight gain!

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