Naturally Fight Flu!

Naturally Fight the Fall Flu Season

Autumn is finally here, and with it comes the start of Flu Season. Naturally fight flu by enhancing your immune system with probiotics, antioxidants, vitamins and more into your daily regimen. If you are anything like me, you will try anything to avoid getting sick, except getting the Flu shot. Just a few positive changes now in your daily regimen can boost your immune system and decrease your likelihood of being down and out in the coming weeks.


Boost your Immune System

~Take Probiotics~

70-80% of our immune system is housed in our GI tract! The benefits of consuming probiotics are being revealed with greater detail as many research studies are published. Healthy gut bacteria is important for not just proper digestion, but to properly regulate our bodies response to inflammation. These “good” bacteria secrete important acids which  create an environment  less conducive to the growth of harmful, illness causing microorganisms.

When choosing a good probiotic, look for one that has multiple strands of probiotics, with 15 million cfu (colony forming units) or more, like these. Probiotics should be stored in the refrigerator or individually packed on foil. You can also eat your probiotics, by adding naturally fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi, or by drinking kombucha or kefir. Just watch out for yogurt! The small amount of probiotics in them are not worth the large amount of added sugars they tend to be served with.

~Add Garlic~

1-2 cloves a day will keep the germs away! A 2015 study on garlic, published in the Journal of Immunology Research, concluded “that garlic appears to enhance the functioning of the immune system by stimulating certain cell types, such as macrophages, lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells,” etc.  In not so science speak, it helps support the cells and functions that remove dead and dying cells. The NK cells kill harmful illness causing invaders. Enhance the potency of finely chopped garlic by oxidizing for ten minutes. If you can handle it, toss into your dish raw for the most effective germ killing strength.


~Drink More Tea~

Want rapid immune response? Harvard led a study on having people drink 5 cups of black tea per day for 2 weeks. In that short time, they increased the immune fighting interferon proteins in their blood by over 10 times the placebo group. WOW!!! We already knew tea was great for us, but this is even more amazing. The best part, the amino acid L-theanine that gives this boost, is provided in both black and green teas, as well as their decaffeinated versions. And one more tidbit- dip your teabag numerous times while brewing to coax out up to 5 times the antioxidants of a still brew.


~Try Medicinal Mushrooms~

Were not talking about magic mushrooms here, but they are pretty magical in their own right. Reishi, Chaga and Cordyceps mushrooms have been used for thousands of years for their incredible medicinal properties. These fungi are a treasure trove of immune strength. They are anti-viral, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial. Mushrooms are some serious fighters, and work to properly modulate the immune system. They increase immune response when needed, but more importantly, they decrease it when not needed. This may even be helpful with immune disorders, where this system goes unchecked and begins to attack the body when it shouldn’t. Read more about the amazing properties of those Reishi mushrooms here.


Vitamins Increase Immunity

Increase your intake of Vit C-

 9108GoP5XHL._SX522_Don’t just take it in the morning!! We all know how important Vitamin c is for boosting immunity, but many don’t take it properly to receive its maximum benefits. Your body will use up or release the vitamin C within 4 hours. Boost its effects by taking it again at lunch and then early evening.  Emergen-C makes a 1,000 mg chewable tablet which is 4 times the level of most chewable supplements available!    I love these bad boys so much, I keep two bottles…one in my office drawer right now, and another in my pantry at home. This girl never gets sick!



Get plenty of  Vit E-

Vitamin E is actually a group of 8 vitamins, all closely related and fat –soluble. They all possess incredible antioxidant powers that help fight off invaders. It contains two varieties, Tocopherols and Tocotrienols, each with sub variations that all work to keep your body strong and in fighting shape.


Don’t be Zinc Deficient.

Zinc is found in every single cell in your body, and is important for the maintenance of the health of each cell. Deficiency can make you susceptible to pathogens, so make sure you are getting it daily. Zinc is responsible for many different aspects of your immune health, so this one has a multi-angle approach.  If you start feeling under the weather, Zinc lozenges are the way to go. Take them early and often to help lessen the severity and length of the symptoms. Check out this link from the Mayo Clinic detailing all the ways Zinc can be helpful.


The Sunshine Vitamin D


After a summer full of sunshine and beach days, most people don’t worry about their Vitamin D levels. But with fall comes shorter days and chilly weather, and our Vit D intake tends to drop as we don those long sleeve shirts and spend more time indoors. Studies on children showed that lower Vit D levels made them more likely to contract the Influenza A virus.  I love getting my D whenever possible in the sun, but I still make sure to supplement it. My favorite is from an amazing supplement company that sources responsibly, Nordic Naturals. You can find them at a quality health store, or get them on Amazon. Not only does one gummy provide 1000 iu, but they taste great too!!!! I have sent bottles to all of my family members and they love them=)

I love fall, but not getting sick. There is no mistaking the shift away from summer. The welcome relief of cool dry air replaces the oppressive heat and humidity of the summer. In the early evening we bask in the golden hue of sunset through the trees. Open windows let in the constant breezes of the day, and signal only one thing….the arrival of Fall, and the flu season. Incorporate all these tidbits into your new fall regimen and naturally fight flu. So be prepared!


*This post contains affiliate links, but I have personally purchased and used each item I have written about!

