October is finally here

So it’s officially October!

With it comes Fall and all of those amazing things associated with it! Carving pumpkins, fresh apple cider, good moonshine, raking leaves… But before we break out the boots, flannels and PSL, we need to consider what impact the coming season has in store for us. I don’t know about you, but my allergies go crazy, as if they aren’t already bad enough. The lack of humidity is amazing for my hair, but hell for my skin. Plus, the shorter daylight hours is just plain wrong, especially when the weather is so amazing!!!   These changes in the environment affect us physically, mentally, and even emotionally. How well we adapt is a major determining factor in our health.


Just think of how the changes in the seasons impact your heath and well being.

 Nerveless the seasons change, we to must continually adapt and shift our health efforts as well. Fall and the crisp chilly air are a welcome change after super humid summer. And yes, Virginia, Winter does come to Florida, but we get to spend it lying on a beach or doing yard work without sweating our butts off.  Spring time brings with it a renewal of growth, warmth and possibilities. I find myself getting outside more and more, and feeling better for it. My boyfriend and I take advantage of “spring fever” if ya know what I mean 😉   Summer and all of it’s heat and humidity bring us out later in the day, enjoying the evening breeze and beautiful sunsets. So is there a better way to get a jump on the winter blues? There sure is, so stay tuned to learn more about these amazing tonics for health, at my post What is an Adaptogen?


Imagine knowing flu season is coming and you are totally protected?

Wouldn’t that be great? Fall brings with it a host of coughs, colds and other nasty bugs that we all hate. I am totally focused on skipping all of that this flu season. You can too! Enhanced immunity, physical endurance, and lack of mental fatigue are within your reach! The mind body connection is very real, and you can easily enhance your resistance naturally. What makes it possible is adding Adaptogens into your healthy lifestyle. The very purpose of these herbs is balancing our energy where it is needed. These herbs naturally combat stress and our reactions to it, allowing us to overcome these environmental changes and be our best.  Read on to see how you can Naturally Fight Flu by adding into your healthy lifestyle. Don’t wait! Start now!