8 Reasons to Love Intermittent Fasting

Why I began Intermittent Fasting…

I love to travel, but I hate to diet. Whenever I’m away away from home, I don’t hold back from culinary enjoyment. I order appetizers and desserts. I eat three meals a day. Sure I’ll try that yummy pastry, specialty cocktail, regional specialty….and more. Each new city leads me to a new Farmer’s market where…I’ll try one of everything. We check out grocery stores as if they are interactive food museums we can eat our way through. All this is great for my Chef career and for inspiring some new dishes, but very bad for my waistline. After three weeks off during December, those experiences added up to some serious extra pounds.

I knew I needed to make a real change, but how? What was actually going to work this time?  Honestly, I’ve tried so many diets throughout my life, its almost sad. This time I had to make a lasting change. I needed something I would stick with, something that had a high level of success. I thought back to a technique I had used successfully years before, Fasting. No, I don’t mean skipping food for days, or trying a fad cleanse. I used a planned approach to eating within certain time frames. When I utilized this time tested concept, I was not only able to easily lose weight, but to maintain myself at a lower weight. This same technique is now becoming increasingly popular, and is referred to as Intermittent Fasting.

So back in January, after I returned home from an amazing 3 week vacation, I began Intermittent Fasting. I was quickly successful, and remembered how enjoyable this “Diet” can be.  After just a few weeks of Intermittent Fasting, I was down quite a few pounds fast. Now, after a few months, I’m seeing some seriously awesome changes, and not just when I step on the scale.

What Intermittent Fasting did for me

My Belly Bloat is Gone

Gone for real! I’ve slimmed down in my trouble areas all over. Even my ugly arms are starting to shrink. Inches lost for sure!   I’ve had a handful of people ask me if I had joined a gym! Pretty impressive results, considering I haven’t had a gym membership in years! My belly is the flattest I’ve seen in years, and my confidence is growing. My work uniform is loose, and I finally fit 90% of my closet. I just purchased some new bikinis for my upcoming vacay!  I am actually happy when I catch my reflection now. Thanks IF!!

Mindful Eating, Mindlessly

I’ve noticed that since I’m careful of when I eat, I’m more aware of what I eat. I feel like I don’t want to waste my eating period on garbage, so I’m naturally inclined to buying, cooking, and eating better foods. I’m also eating less during each meal since my stomach is no longer stretched out form overeating at each meal. This subconscious shift into mindful eating has been a positive addition to my life, withought even trying.

Energy For Days

Even on those fasting days, I am able to go for a run without feeling depleted. I actually feel as though I’m stronger, even if tits just the mental fortitude to get the job done.  Some days I can even follow it with a upper body strength session. Mind you, before IF I hadn’t worked out in months, and now I stick to an easy workout schedule. Wow!

Forming Lasting Habits

It’s so much easier to stick with this “diet” and not feel like I’m holding back from my life. Dinner with friends, family and whatever I want is easy to do, especially if we plan an early night out. I have tried to “stack” IF with a diet, like Keto. Doesn’t work for me, since I find myself falling back into obsessing over my next meal. With IF, there’s been no food daydreaming or feelings of deprivation. This easy lifestyle shift has been the key to success in my personal 2018 health challenge.

No More Hangry

Intermittent Fasting helps to balance blood sugar. After about 12 hrs of fasting, the glucose in your blood has been used up. Then your body will start eating the stored fat as it is released as ketone bodies. Once your off that blood sugar roller coaster, hungry is just hungry, and you know your burning fat. We often forget that hungry feeling is good for us.

Sleep Like A Baby

Well not really like a baby, but way better. Babies wake up a lot, hungry and crying. Me on the other hand, I’ve been sleeping like the dead. Out like a light! Asleep all night! When I do get up, I actually feel refreshing. How nice is that!?!??

More Money in my Wallet

This is always a major plus! I found on Keto I was killing my budget. My grocery basket would be loaded with meats, cheeses and deli items. A diet high in protein and fat was also higher in cost than I liked. Intermittent fasting allows me to buy whatever I am desiring, without sacrificing my entire budget. The bonus- one less meal a day to pay for! Instant savings!!

I Feel Like A Rockstar

Honestly, I feel empowered by this “diet” not enslaved. No avoiding things. No cutting out entire food groups. No counting calories. No keeping track of net carbs. None of that. Most of all, No guilt. If I “screw up”, I re-adjust and I’m ready to start fresh each and every day. Unlike Keto, where one carb too many and I have to go back to square one. I constantly felt like a failure, and couldn’t make it part of a long term plan. That was such a bummer.

Did I mention that in one week,  I went out to two restaurants AND enjoyed a family dinner of homemade pasta and meatballs while on this “diet”? Yeah, and I still dropped weight that week! Intermittent Fasting for the win!! 

Find out how I created my personalized Intermittent Fasting Plan in my next post in this series…